Salutations, zero followers. I have an apology to make. I deleted my blog, and I'm sorry, but now I'm un-deleting it so I hope you guys aren't too angry with me. The truth is, my blog started getting viewed by people I know and being my pathetic self, I got scared. I promise I won't delete my blog again, even if I am petrified of people I know reading it. In other news, I have made a few changes to the design and also how I run it, but more on that later. Thank you for understanding.


Friday, October 25, 2013

Why I have decided not to review books...

Book reviews are awesome. I love reading them and I use them often. However, I honestly hate writing them. It's not because I'm lazy or anything (looks around suspiciously), it's mostly because I have never written a book and if I tried I DEFINITELY don't think I could write anything better than the  authors of the books I read . So, it doesn't really feel right criticizing something when I, a 13 year old, would have done much much worse. Now, enough seriousness for one day.....shall we discuss something else? The Divergent Trilogy perhaps?

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