Salutations, zero followers. I have an apology to make. I deleted my blog, and I'm sorry, but now I'm un-deleting it so I hope you guys aren't too angry with me. The truth is, my blog started getting viewed by people I know and being my pathetic self, I got scared. I promise I won't delete my blog again, even if I am petrified of people I know reading it. In other news, I have made a few changes to the design and also how I run it, but more on that later. Thank you for understanding.


Sunday, July 14, 2013

I forgot... again

Zero followers, I am so sorry.... I forgot to post a book review... again. It seems that I tend to do social things on Fridays so I have decided that I will just post a review whenever I feel like it. Sometimes that will be 3 times a week, sometimes none. I can't think of anything else to say in this post so... in honor of The Fault in our Stars by John Green, I will end this post in the middle of a



  1. *feeling stupid...
    *looks around...
    Does anyone else not get this? :/

    1. Amira, in the fault in our stars they mention a book that ends in the middle of a sentence like this: This is an example of a

      Now you get it?

    2. Remind me to read the book. :D
